What do you see when you look at your house? Is it perfect or do you see clutter and items you don’t need everywhere you look. There have been many books and news articles about the concept of decluttering not only your home, but your life. They both tend to go hand to hand, but many people don’t understand what decluttering actually is how they can do it.
What is Decluttering?
At its very core, decluttering is about taking something complex and cumbersome and simplifying it down. We live in a society of things. People believe the more things they have the better off they are. A home filled with furniture and things is better than a home without it if the minds of many people. Unfortunately, more things often fill up too much space and can be a serious detriment to your décor and how you feel about your home.
Decluttering Your Home
Everything starts by taking a look at your home and take an inventory of what you’ve got. How much of it works with the décor you want and how much of it is just stuff that’s accumulated through the years. We all do it. We get some strange attachment to that end table we got at the Goodwill when we were a sophomore in college. It’s worn and falling apart, but every time we moved, it came with us.
Much of the things we own have memories associated both good and bad. We just can’t seem to get rid of it, but decluttering it about cleaning house and cleaning out your past too. If there are things in your home that don’t add anything to it, then they should probably go. I’m not saying to throw out everything. It’s fine to keep items of particular sentimentality or importance to you, but many of us overestimate how much we really care about them.
You’ll be surprised how good you feel once everything is out and your rooms have much space and everything works together.
Decluttering Your Life
The concept of decluttering your life isn’t much different than cleaning your home. It’s about decreasing the complexity and instead focusing on what’s important to you. We all have those friends that are toxic. They live for drama or they leech off everyone. They’re like that old falling apart table from college. You have some good and bad memories associated with it, but when it comes right down to it, it just doesn’t fit in your life right now.
Decluttering isn’t easy. It means parting with things that you’ve had for a long time that are taking up space, but doing nothing for your life. Once your house is decluttered, you’ll probably need a deep clean and Illinois Valley Clean Team Inc. can help.