Imagine spending 20 minutes making sure your child is clean as a whistle in the bath tub and you sit back to enjoy the sounds of laughter as he plays with the rubber ducky grandma gave him. Just as the laugh hits a crescendo, he squeezes ducky and a blob of green goo shoots out all over him. Blech!
That’s mold and a common occurrence in bath toys if they are left to sit and water accumulates on the inside. It doesn’t have to be a rubber ducky. There are countless toys with little water pooling nooks and crannies that can turn your clean kid into a science experiment. If you have bath toys for your children, then it’s important to keep them clean and slime free.
Mold is a nasty character. Besides, the ick factor of being covered in mold slime, mold can wreak havoc on allergies and create respiratory problems. Here are ways to keep your toys clean.
Holes are the problem
The biggest culprit for mold growth is those small holes on the bottom of bath toys. They’re what make the squeaky sounds that kids love, but when you squeeze the toy, water sucks back into it. Pretty soon the inside looks like a Petri dish.
The best thing to do is plug it up prior to use. Just take some superglue and cover the hole or purchase sealed bath toys. Plugging up the hole keeps it from letting water in and prevents mold growth.
Boil it, bleach it, vinegar it
If it’s too late and the toys have been used, then you’ll need to kill the mold. Place the toys in boiling water and squeeze out any mold using tongs. Let them cool and dry. Bleach kills just about everything, so letting toys soak overnight will take care of the mold. Mix a gallon of water with ¾ cup of bleach and let them soak, but make sure to thoroughly wash them the next day.
If bleach is too harsh, then white vinegar should do the trick. Mix one gallon of water with ½ cup of vinegar.
Keep them dry
Once the mold is gone, you’ll want to keep it that way. Don’t let the toys sit in pooled water in a bin. When you’re putting them away, find something that will let the excess water drain. Place them in front of a fan or open window to help facilitate drying.
If you’re bathroom needs a good cleaning, then feel free to call us or get a free quote.